Confidence in your finances is key to getting it right!
Paul: Good day, guys. It’s Paul Glossop here from Pure Property Investments. Today, I’m joined by Tristan Scifo. Tristan, thanks for joining us today.
Tristan: Pleasure. It’s great to be here, Paul.
Paul: Tristan Scifo is the financial planner for Innovative Wealth Management. Today we’d like to talk to Tristan about the importance of confidence in your finances when investing in property. So, Tristan, pretty open and honest question, but from what you see day to day, confidences in finances and setting goals for your clients, how does that work and I guess where’s the importance there?
Tristan: Glad you asked the question. So fundamental to, as you say, getting clients into the market sooner and more effectively. So clarity is confidence at the end of the day. Clarity in your numbers. You’ve got to start with knowing where your numbers are at, and sadly, not many of us do. And there’s a real simple reason. We were never educated on how to track and measure our finances, so it’s like we wouldn’t know how to do it even if we had to. But some real basic things that we’ll always do with our clients is to get to know how much you’re earning after tax, how much is your lifestyle costing you, and if you subtract the second from the first, you get your surplus. How much money do you have free that you can play with, invest, go on even bigger holidays that you would have? And that’s the sort of money that we’re going to start using in investment properties. Second to that, you want to have a plan to how you’re actually going to save that money. And some people out there are great at saving. Some feel horrible about it and feel so disempowered by even trying. But no matter where you lie on the spectrum, if you have a plan, a spending plan, some people will call it a budget and you work to it and you’re coached through it, you will save more money, guaranteed, which will enable you to do better and more with your property investing.
Paul: Fantastic. Well there are some very key points, and I think easy ones for people to understand and hopefully relate to in the future. So thanks very much for joining us today, Tristan, and hopefully we’ll touch base on a couple more topics in the future.
Tristan: Great.
Paul: Thanks, guys.