Are You On A Tight Budget But Wanting To Get Into Your First Investment
Paul: Three hundred and fifty thousand in today’s money is not going to get very far in the Sydney economy nor the Melbourne economy. But I think as we’ve already heard from Ian is that the original markets some specific sort of bigger satellite towns of 200,000 plus within two to three hours of some of our major cities are probably looking relatively attractive over the next two to four years. I think for me personally it comes down. If we’re looking at a long-term game, we can still look at something that’s going to give us five or five and a half percent gross yields, is still plenty of freestanding houses.
Brisbane Adelaide themselves haven’t necessarily had stellar three four years however, Brisbane in particular is economy and population growth looks very decent over the next five years so there’s still plenty of markets within Brisbane. If you look at a freestanding house giving you a half decent cash flow that there’ll be opportunities. We’ve been buying as a company in Hobart for some time probably stopping that at the moment probably been for about two years but that’s a market which has seen obviously significant 30 percent growth increase in certain areas over the last two years. So there is going to be markets but I think Sydney and Melbourne probably off the cards from a cash flow and growth over the next five years. But there’s definitely other options out there.
Host: Is there anywhere that you’d like the look of in regional New South Wales, and it would still be sort of commutable for Matt?
Paul: Yeah look within that “commutable” that’s probably going to go down that way if you want to go check it out once a year and say look I’ve actually gone and tick the box and I saw my investment property the one time that I’ll ever actually go and do it realise it doesn’t need to happen. I probably said there’s property markets probably within Bathurst to Dubbo to Orange Region. I think that triangle there there’s probably some opportunities within that budget they’re probably seeing some good opportunities and will continue to do so. Nothing in the double-digit market but I think we’ve seen some steady performance. Right.